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Bulk pricing is available for 10 or more of the same book. Email for more information.

Hay Demasiada Tranquilidad

$ 16.99 USD

Con todos los problemas en nuestro mundo, ¡hay demasiado silencio! Todo el mundo necesita rezar. ¿Sabías que no hay absolutamente nadie cuya voz pueda reemplazar tu voz en los oídos de Dios? Él te está escuchando. Aunque algunos reconocen la necesidad de orar y los problemas que tenemos, hay muchas preguntas sobre la oración: ¿La oración realmente es solo hablar con Dios? ¿Cuánto tiempo debo orar? ¿Con qué frecuencia? ¿Por qué debería orar si Dios ya lo sabe? ¿Es fe si oro más de una vez? Oré y nada cambió, ¿ahora qué? ¿Por qué orar si no obtenemos los resultados que queremos? ¿Cómo sé que Dios me escucha o está respondiendo? Con esta mirada a la oración, es mi oración responder estas preguntas y luchar contra el silencio. ¡Quiero animar a todos a invocar el nombre de Jesucristo con fe! BIOGRAFÍA Taquoya Porter encontró la salvación a los 7 años. Desde que tenía 16, ha estado sirviendo a los jóvenes como maestra de escuela dominical, dirigiendo clases bíblicas para jóvenes y luego como pastora de jóvenes de Turning Point, donde es responsable de la programación y el bienestar espiritual de más de 150 jóvenes. Ella impacta aún más vidas como codirectora de TM Campamento de jovenes y fundadora de TM Campamento de Chicos. Ha viajado por todo el mundo predicando y sirviendo a los demás. Más recientemente, ha coordinado clínicas médicas, distribución de alimentos, una cruzada y otros servicios en la República Dominicana. Ella fundó el movimiento PRESS (Prayer Reaches Every Single Situation) que se ha utilizado para establecer clubes PRESS en todo el país. Este movimiento está diseñado por Dios y permite que los jóvenes se utilicen para ministrar a otros jóvenes cuando la PRESS viaja y en los clubes. Más de 20.000 personas siguen el movimiento PRESS en línea y cientos han participado en los clubes hasta ahora, apenas está comenzando. Personalmente, tiene la bendición de ser madre de tres hijos y esposa por 19 años.

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I Can’t Be Quiet: An Interactive Prayer Journal

$ 8.00 USD

***Please note: This comes in the book bundle as well. **** From the founder of the P.R.E.S.S. Movement and author of, It’s Too Quiet: A Book About Prayer, this journal is designed to cause you to engage your prayer time thoughtfully and intentionally.

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With over 30 open-ended questions, scriptures, daily accountability for praying, a place for testimonies, and more, this journal will be an asset to your time in prayer!

It’s Too Quiet: A Book About Prayer

$ 20.00 USD

With all the trouble in our world, it's too quiet! Everyone needs to pray. Did you know there is absolutely no one whose voice can replace your voice in the ears of God?

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He is listening for you. Though some recognize the need to pray and the troubles we face, often there are many questions surrounding prayer:

  • Is prayer really, just talking to God? 
  • How long should I pray? How often? 
  • Why should I pray if God already knows? 
  • Is it faith if I pray more than once? 
  • I prayed and nothing changed, now what?
  • Will God hear me? 
  • How do I know God hears me or is answering? 

It’s Too Quiet Bundle

$ 25.00 USD

Engage the book, “It’s Too Quiet: A Book About Prayer” by giving yourself time to process the questions given at the end of each chapter.

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This book will also act as a record of testimonies for what God has done in your life.

***NEW*** The PRESS Curriculum***Released in May 2023***

$ 21.99 USD

This is a 14 week course designed to work as a curriculum targeting youth or in conjunction with starting a PRESS club!

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The P.R.E.S.S. curriculum is modeled after the Lord’s Prayer as found in the New Testament gospels. The goal of the PRESS is to inspire young people to pray by teaching them who God is, how He loves them and why He wants to hear their voices.

Lesson #1- When You Pray

The expectation that we are to pray is clearly stated in the gospels, but so is the fact that prayer would need to be taught. This lesson looks at the context of the Lord’s prayer and the expectation that prayer would be a recurring discipline of the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Lesson #2- Talk to Who

Who are you talking to? This question has challenged the motives and words of young people for generations. It is important to always know who you are communicating with. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God left a guideline to teach us how to communicate with him? Before we dive into prayer, it is important that we understand and recognize who we are talking to. Jesus taught us how to pray. We will follow his model.

Lesson #3-You Are Safe

Being vulnerable can be a challenge. Prayer is a vulnerable time. It is where we express our needs, wants and desires to God. You must know you are safe when you talk to God.

Lesson #4- Give Us This Day

Asking God for what you want and need is part of prayer, but prayer is not just about us.

Lesson #5- The When, Where & Why of Prayer 

When and where does prayer fit in your life? Why should it fit in your life? Explore the answers to these questions in this lesson.

Lesson #6- What & how to pray 

Prayer is not complicated, but even the disciples had to be taught. This is a prayer how-to lesson that is practical and will leave students better equipped to pray on their own.

Lesson #7- God’s Forgiveness of Us 

This lesson will lay a foundation of what it means for God to love us and forgiveness. 

Lesson #8- Our Forgiveness of Others 

God modeled forgiveness for us and we are to extend forgiveness to others as well. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. So, how do we forgive? How do we let go? Why should we forgive. This lesson is designed to answer all those questions.

Lesson #9- Let’s Talk About Changing 

Repentance is key to getting anything from God. We must change, but prayer aids us as we ask God not to lead us into temptation, but deliver us.

Lesson #10- God, will you hear me?

Prayer is important. It’s necessary. It is both a blessing and an opportunity but sometimes for most of us, prayer can be challenging. It’s

not because God does not hear us or because God is difficult to talk to (He’s not!) but there are often obstacles or hindrances, things that get in the way of our attempts to reach God in prayer. There are also things that stop God from speaking to us.

Lesson #11-Waiting on the Lord

Wait! Wait is not a word we are often fond of hearing. Whether we are at a restaurant, a stop light, lunch line, or at home watching commercials. Waiting is really a good thing. Have you ever been running late or waited to go somewhere and found out later you were so glad because you were  protected from harm? Waiting is not all bad. Waiting has so many benefits and this lesson teaches the benefits of waiting.

Lesson #12- Worship 

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory…. What does this mean? When we think of God as being king and powerful and worthy of glory, what are we saying? 

Lesson #13- What’s In A Name?

Who told you you could do that? This is a question asked by parents, teachers, bosses and authoritative figures around the world on a daily basis. Sometimes you find yourself asking or doing something, that unless you have the right person’s permission, you are going to have trouble. With Jesus, his name also gives you authority to do some things and ask Him things that if you do not have His name, you may not have a right to ask or do (John 14:14, Col. 3:17). Simply put, there is power and authority in the name of Jesus. His name gives you access to all the things of God (Col. 2:9).

Lesson #14- Amen

This is the conclusion of many prayers, but what does it mean? Join us as we explore why this word ends many prayers and close out this PRESS series.

The 42 Day Love Challenge

$ 2.99 USD

What does wearing dirty socks all day have in common with greeting everyone you meet in different languages? In this quirky challenge, young people will enjoy learning about loving others, God, and themselves...

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Through a series of creative challenges, fun-filled activities and reflective writing exercises, participants will be forced to look at their own love level every day. 

The Love Challenge is a perfect companion to the P.R.E.S.S. Lessons or any

teaching on discipleship, sacrifice, giving, love, compassion and more! It is a

practical way of teaching youth how love behaves today. It is designed to make

them think about their own love levels and evaluate themselves according to the

way Christ loved us. 

Designed to be completed with a group of any size over the course of 42 days (starting on a Sunday), the insightful questions and challenges in this book will put all participants in the habit of thinking about love.

Buy 10 for $22.50 The Love Challenge Bundle

$ 22.50 USD

The Love Challenge is a perfect companion to the P.R.E.S.S. Lessons or any teaching on discipleship, sacrifice, giving, love, compassion and more! It is a practical way of teaching youth how love behaves today.

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It is designed to make them think about their own love levels and evaluate themselves according to the way Christ loved us.

Will You Pray
With Us?

Purchase the Book

*Profits go towards the P.R.E.S.S. Movement & Foreign Missions

P.R.E.S.S. Online Class

The P.R.E.S.S. is not just a prayer course, it is about life, God and joining a community of prayer warriors in development. Gain full access to the P.R.E.S.S. curriculum and worksheets as you take this course!


Buy 10 for $22.50 The
Love Challenge Bundle

The Love Challenge is a perfect companion to the P.R.E.S.S. Lessons or any teaching on discipleship, sacrifice, giving, love, compassion and more! It is a practical way of teaching youth how love behaves today.

Email to purchase.

P.R.E.S.S. Online Class

The P.R.E.S.S. is not just a prayer course, it is about life, God and joining a community of prayer warriors in development. Gain full access to the P.R.E.S.S. curriculum and worksheets as you take this course!



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No matter what the situation, we are stronger when we pray together. Join the Movement.
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